Project: Chess Table

There is nothing like a good game of chess

Connor Lantz

What began as a school project for my metalworking class evolved into a cherished design endeavor. This chess table has become a canvas for continuous innovation and a symbol of my ever-evolving skills. Initially, my goal was to earn a passing grade, but it quickly transformed into an ongoing passion project.

My aim with this project was to create a chess table where my father and I could engage in timeless games of strategy. The initial vision included crafting a table with a matching board, but it soon expanded to crafting unique chess pieces. Key elements of this project include a spiral metal table, a laser-engraved chess and backgammon board, and 3D-printed spiral chess pieces that pushed the boundaries of creativity.

The primary challenge lay in the art of metalworking. Achieving precise angles and ensuring perfect symmetry proved to be the most demanding aspects of the project. The path to success involved meticulous cuts and expert welds to create a square masterpiece. Additionally, the 3D-printed chess pieces presented a challenge due to the presence of 'slag' caused by numerous printing starts and stops. To overcome this, I employed a soldering iron to refine the pieces.


  1. Cut square metal tubing using a band saw.
  2. Tack weld the metal table, ensuring squareness, then complete the welding.
  3. Use an angle grinder to achieve a smooth metal surface and tidy up welds.
  4. Laser engrave the plywood, ensuring alignment of the chess and backgammon boards.
  5. Cut out the board to ensure a perfect fit within the table and sand the edges.
  6. 3D print chess pieces using white and black PLA+ filament.
  7. Engage in a memorable game of chess.

I played a hands-on role in every stage of fabrication, including metalwork, laser engraving, and 3D printing. I designed all components, with the exception of the chess pieces, which are linked here, and the image for the backgammon board.

This project represents the culmination of my acquired skills over the years. While the table boasts rustic features, I believe they enhance the overall aesthetic and pay homage to the learning journey it represents.

I've discovered that plywood may not be the ideal material for such projects, and using high-quality glued wood for a square design could yield better results. Additionally, applying a protective coat to the metal after polishing is crucial for maintaining its pristine appearance.

In the future, I plan to repolish the table and apply a protective coat to ensure its longevity. I also intend to experiment with different-colored chess pieces and designs to create a diverse array of sets. Furthermore, I'm considering building a higher-quality board for the insert, enhancing the overall chess-playing experience. Lastly, I intend to design and print my own custom backgammon set too.